Student Success

President of Esthetics Class and Scholarships Galore! We are thrilled to share some incredible news about Londyn, a shining star in our community! Londyn has been elected as the President of her Esthetics class, a testament to her leadership skills and dedication to her chosen field. But that’s not all—Londyn is gearing up for a leadership competition where she will be showcasing her talents in two different categories. We’re eagerly anticipating her success in these competitions, and we’re confident that she’ll bring her A-game. In addition to her achievements in leadership, Londyn has been recognized for her hard work and commitment with a $250 scholarship from her votech school. Every bit counts, and Londyn has wisely used this scholarship to invest in equipment for her future Esthetics endeavors while preparing for college. Londyn’s commitment to her education is further exemplified by her proactive approach to securing scholarships. She’s been diligently applying to various opportunities, and we’re delighted to share that she has already secured a $2000 scholarship from MACU for attending concurrent classes. Furthermore, Londyn is on track to graduate early with an impressive 600 hours under her belt. The big day is approaching, as she plans to test for her Esthetics license in mid-May. We have full confidence in Londyn’s abilities and are excited to see her flourish in her chosen profession. As she looks forward to high school graduation, we want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Londyn on her well-deserved successes. We’re proud to have such a dedicated and accomplished individual in our community. Stay tuned for more updates on Londyn’s journey, and let’s continue to cheer her on as she reaches new heights!